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Located in the heart of Birmingham, we understand the importance of a well-crafted Will.

Our expert team, specialising in Wills and estate planning, is dedicated to ensuring that your final wishes are clearly articulated and legally binding. We provide personalised Will writing services to the Birmingham community, ensuring that your legacy is protected and your loved ones are cared for according to your exact wishes.

Creating a Will is more than just a legal necessity; it’s a crucial step in managing your assets and safeguarding the future of your family. Whether you reside in Birmingham or the surrounding areas, having a Will provides peace of mind, knowing that your estate will be distributed as you desire. It also minimises potential disputes and legal complications for your heirs.

Our Services: Tailored to Your Needs

  • Individualised Will Writing: Our approach is to understand your unique circumstances, family dynamics, and financial situation. We offer bespoke Will writing services that reflect your individual needs.
  • Asset Distribution: From property in Birmingham to personal heirlooms, we ensure your assets are allocated as per your directives.
  • Guardianship Arrangements: For those with young children, we help you appoint guardians, ensuring their welfare is prioritised.
  • Trust Creation: We can incorporate trusts into your Will to manage assets for minors or for specific purposes like education and healthcare.

Led by our experienced solicitors, James Hall and Bal Gaddu, our team is well-versed in Birmingham’s legal landscape. We guide you through every aspect of Will writing, from initial consultation to the final drafting, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements.

Our commitment to the Birmingham community goes beyond mere legal services; we build lasting relationships based on trust and understanding. With Gaddu and Hall Solicitors, you’re not just creating a Will; you’re ensuring a legacy that resonates with your values and wishes.

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Plan for the future with confidence. Our estate planning services offer peace of mind, ensuring your wishes are honoured and your loved ones cared for.

Estate Planning


Create a Trust to manage your assets wisely and secure your family’s future. Let’s discuss your options


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Ensure your business thrives beyond you. Get in touch for specialised Estate Planning tailored for Business Continuity.

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Capital Gains Tax Planning

Minimise your tax liabilities and maximise your asset value with tailored capital gains strategies from our experienced solicitors.

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