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Our birthday!

1 min read

This week was momentous for Gaddu and Hall, as we celebrated our birthday. That’s right, it was our first anniversary.

How do I feel about that? Thankful, relieved, mildly surprised, very pleased and rather excited. When we set off, my ambition and hope was to make it through the first quarter. We did that, kept going, and had a great first year.

Our first year was replete with wonderful developments and landmarks. Bal and I are proud to have been joined by Celia and Mike. We have wonderful friends in a variety of professions who are asking us to work with them for the benefit of their clients – and who we are getting involved with our clients. We have some amazing clients who have challenged us with interesting and exciting work. We did well financially and controlled our costs.

We have a fantastic pipeline and we have set ourselves an ambitious – yet achievable – target for the coming year. We intend to grow, beat our targets and establish ourselves further as a fixture of not just the Birmingham legal scene, but that of the UK as a whole.

Thank you for your support. We couldn’t have done it without you.

